Friday, July 26, 2019

The Moon which revolves around the Earth is the fifth largest of all moons present in our solar system. Its diameter is 3,474 km and is slightly greater than a quarter of the Earth's diameter. The total surface area of moon is less than 10% of Earth's surface area. The gravity experienced on the surface of moon is 17% of the Earth's gravitational force. The volume of the moon is 2% that of the Earth. The gravitational interactions which take place between the Earth and the moon slows down the rotation of the former. The transfer of kinetic energy which takes from the Earth to the moon is the reason behind this slowdown. It also causes tides on the surface of Earth. The effect of this gravitational interaction on the moon is seen in the form of its orbit being raised. Information about the distance from the Earth to the Moon is provided in the following paragraphs. Read more on facts about moon.

What is the Distance from the Earth to the Moon
The moon revolves around Earth in an elliptical orbit. The distance between the Earth and moon thus, fluctuates or changes at certain points. The distance between the moon and the Earth varies at the apogee and perigee. The apogee is a position at which the moon is farthest from the Earth, while the perigee is the closest distance. At the perigee, the total distance between the Earth and moon is 363,300 km; while at the apogee the distance increases up to 405,500 km.

Average Distance From Earth to Moon
The average distance from the Earth to the moon in km. is 384,400. This distance accounts for 30 times the Earth's diameter. It would take around 16 days to reach the moon from the Earth at a speed of 1000 km/hr. Passenger jets are capable of attaining this speed.

Distance from Earth to Moon in Meters
The distance from the Earth to the Moon when they are at a nearest (perigee) point is 363,104,000 meters. At apogee, this distance increases up to 405,696,000 meters. The average distance is 384,400,000 meters.

Distance from Earth to Moon in Miles
The total distance from the Earth to the Moon in miles is 238,857. It is the average distance between this satellite-planet pair.

Distance from Earth to Moon in Feet
In countries where feet is the common unit of measurement, the following distance measures would prove to be helpful. The distance between the Earth and moon at apogee and perigee is 1,331,020,000 feet and 1,191,290,000 feet respectively. The average distance is 1,261,000,000 feet.

Distance from Earth to Moon in Light Years
The distance present between the moon and the Earth in terms of light years is calculated with the help of speed of light in vacuum. As stated earlier the distance between the moon and Earth is 384,400 km, i.e. 3.844x10^8 m. The speed of light in vacuum is 3x10^8 m/s. The distance from Earth to Moon in Light years is therefore, calculated by the formula,

Time = Distance/Speed

In this case, 1.2 seconds is the distance from Earth to Moon in light years.
Interesting Facts About Earth
Stop by here if you are looking for some interesting facts about Earth. Some of these are quite interesting while others border the thin line between strange and bizarre. Read on to know more.
Our planet is truly very interesting, indeed. While 70% of the planet is covered with water, the most advanced life form on Earth is found on its land mass. That life form is responsible for the life threatening damage, it does to the existence of life on Earth itself. Any guesses on who I'm taking about? Yes, it's us, the mighty bipedal animals that rule this kingdom and slowly dragging it to ruin. Anyway, take a look at some facts that truly make this blue planet unique. Read more on earth science.

Interesting Facts About Earth, the Planet
•Earth is the only planet in the solar system with plate tectonics. That means that while the core is liquid the crust floats on the core of the planet.
•Around 47% of the Earth's crust consists of oxygen.
•Earth is a big magnet, with poles at the top and bottom of the planet.
•It takes the Earth 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds to rotate on its axis. That means a day is not exactly 24 hours.
•A year on Earth is 365.2564 days and not 365 days. The extra .2564 days is why leap years were created.
•Earth is the only planet in the Solar System to have water in all three states of matter: (solid) ice, (liquid) sea, rain, etc. and (gas) clouds.
•It is believed that millions of years ago, a day on Earth was approximately 20 hours long, so after a million years, a day on Earth will be 27 hours long.
•The Earth will appear as the brightest of the 8 planets, if viewed from a specific distance in space. This is because the water bodies on Earth reflect large amount of sunlight.
These were some facts about the planet, let's take a look at what truly makes this planet special. Before that you may want to take a look at planet Earth facts.

Odd Facts About Earth, the Planet
•El Azizia (Libya) is the hottest place on Earth, and Vostok (Antarctica) is the coldest.
•Rain has never been recorded in some parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile.
•Venice in Italy is gradually sinking in the water. It is built on 118 sea islets joined by 400 bridges.
•A California bristlecone pine name 'Methuselah' is the oldest living tree. It is almost 4600 years old.
•The Antarctic Notothenia fish can't freeze in the icy waters of its habitat as it has a protein in its blood that acts like antifreeze and prevents freezing.
•Tiger shark embryos fight each other in their mother's womb. The surviving embryo of the shark is born.
•Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu, is the name for a hill, 305 meters (1,000 ft) high, close to Porangahau, New Zealand. It is the longest officially recognized name of a place, the name has 85 letters.
•There is one chicken for every human being on earth.
•Humans grow by about 0.3 inches every night in sleep, but shrink back to normal during the day.
•Bones are five times stronger than steel.
So these were some other small facts about Earth or rather life on Earth. Some of these aren't odd but apparently if you ate too many carrots, you'd turn orange. Now, I'm not making this up, I actually came across this when I was surfing the internet! I don't think it's true though. I guess one will have to eat a whole lot of carrots! You can take a look some more interesting facts here,
•Amazing Facts About Earth
•Facts About the Moon
•Amazing Facts About the Universe
The Earth is the only planet with life on it. No surprise there! Everyone knows that yet for every hundredth human who thinks that it's not their responsibility to care for this fragile planet, there are only a handful of those who spend their time and energy conserving this beautiful world. To conclude, I hope that one day when someone else from another planet is writing on interesting facts about Earth, they don't mention this. "Earth the only planet with life in the milky way. The most progressive life form of which were the Humans, who ironically brought about extinction on the blue planet."
Amazing Facts About Earth
Only when we come to know about the most amazing facts about earth, do we realize that we are just negligible components of this vast reality. Here is a compilation of some of the most unbelievable and amazing facts of the world...
Every aspect of the planet, right from its formation to the present moment, has some or the other amazing thing about it. Most of the times, we don't realize this fact, but when we do we are left with no option but to get bewildered, amazed, baffled, and what not. It's not surprising because there are so many fascinating things about the planet that even if we try, we won't be able to list out all of them. We have tried to do it and what we got was a compilation of some of the most amazing facts about Earth which left us spellbound!

Amazing Facts About Planet Earth
The Earth has evolved over thousands of years to become what it is today. Whilst undergoing this dramatic change, the planet experienced several phenomenas, which in turn left a strong impact on the planet - today we call them 'natural wonders'. These are, no doubt, the most amazing facts of the world which do make us feel proud of the planet which we call our home. Read more on how was the Earth created.
•The hottest temperature ever measured on the planet, 136 degrees Fahrenheit, was measured at El Azizia, Libya, on September 13, 1922.
•The highest, or should we say the biggest, waterfall in the world is Angel Falls of Venezuela, dropping from a height of a whopping 3,212 feet.
•You can escape the gravitational pull of the Earth, if you move at a speed of 6.95 miles per second. At this speed, it would just take 20 seconds to travel from New York to Philadelphia.
•If the entire water in the ocean in evaporated, and the salt produced from this spread evenly over the whole planet, the planet would lie beneath a 500 ft layer of salt.
•The longest mountain range in the world is the Andes Mountain Range, spread over a distance of 4,525 miles in South America.
•Lake Baikal, in the former USSR, is the deepest lake in the world with a depth of 5,371 feet.
•The honor of being the largest canyon system on planet Earth goes to the Grand Canyon, with its main branch itself running over a distance on 277 miles across the United States.
•The deepest canyon in the world is the Hell's Canyon. Located at the Oregon-Idaho border, Hell's Canyon has a depth of approximately 8000 ft.
These were only a few among the several amazing facts about Earth. Read more on planet Earth facts.

Amazing Facts About Oceans
The above mentioned amazing facts about Earth had some fascinating facts about oceans, but they don't just end there. The study of this gigantic water body is known as oceanography. Here are some more ocean facts which are, no doubt, awe inspiring.
•Approximately 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water, but unfortunately 97 percent of this water is saline water present in various oceans of the world, and hence of no use.
Overall, the ocean bodies on the planet contain about 328 million cubic miles/1.34 billion cu. km of water.
•The largest ocean on the planet is the Pacific Ocean, which spans over an area of 64 million square miles, i.e. approximately 1/3 of the Earth's surface.
•The deepest part of the planet, the Mariana Trench has a depth of a whopping 36,198 ft or 6.9 miles, and lies in the Pacific Ocean.
•The most interesting part: Sea water contains almost all the elements present on the planet, including gold. In fact if all this gold is extracted, every individual will have about 9 lbs of gold each.
The most dominant components of the planet, oceans play a vital role in maintaining a favorable environment for us humans. But lately, human induced global warming is letting this monstrous water body loose, and this is bound to create havoc on the planet. Read more on oceanography facts.

Amazing Facts About Antarctica
The coldest, the driest, and the windiest among all the continents, Antarctica is in itself one of the most amazing facts about Earth. But it doesn't end there, there are some more astounding facts about Antarctica.
•One of the most dry places on the planet, Antarctica receives precipitation in the form of rain or snowfall only about once or twice a year.
•The coldest temperature to be ever recorded on planet Earth, -129 degrees Fahrenheit, was recorded at Vostok, Antarctica in 1983.
•Technically speaking, Antarctica is the largest desert on the Earth, and not the Sahara.
•The 1.6 mile thick ice sheet covering the continent of Antarctica, constituting around 90 percent of the total fresh water, is the largest store of fresh water on the planet.
•It is the only continent on the planet which has no country or government, even though many countries claim their right over this cold desert.
Owing to this extreme climate, there is no chance of human settlement on this continent. Read more on facts about Antarctica.

Amazing Facts About Volcanoes
If we take into consideration all the volcanoes which have erupted at least once in the past 10,000 years, there are around 1500 active volcanoes on the planet. Let's have a look at some more fascinating volcano facts.
•Approximately 80 percent of the Earth's surface is of volcanic origin, i.e. caused by some volcanic activity.
•Although there are some volcanoes which take thousands of years to form, there are some volcanoes which have formed within the span of a night as well.
•The 'Ring of Fire' is a group of several volcanoes which encircle the Pacific Ocean.
•With a height of 4,169 meters from its base beneath the sea surface, the largest volcano in the world is Mauna Lao, located in Hawaii.
•The credit of being the tallest volcano in the world goes to Mauna Kea, with a height of 4,207 meters, in Hawaii.
Interestingly enough, around 20 percent of the total number of volcanoes on Earth are found on the ocean floors. When these volcanoes erupt they tend to trigger various natural calamities, including earthquakes and tsunamis. Read more on the names of active volcanoes around the world and active volcanoes in United States.

If these amazing facts about Earth were fascinating, you may also like to read
•Interesting Facts about Mars
•Interesting Facts about Neptune
•Interesting Facts About Planet Uranus
These were some of the most amazing facts about Earth. It feels good to know that the planet which we inhabit is so astounding. The amazing facts of the world mentioned in this article can be termed as the 'tip of the iceberg', with many fascinating things awaiting to be revealed. There are numerous wonderful things about the planet, some of which are known to us, some of us which will be known to us, may be in the near future, may be tomorrow, or maybe not at all!